
About Me

My professional career has spanned magazine publishing, journalism, marketing, corporate communications, and thought leadership. It’s covered industries as diverse as beauty, fashion, dentistry, technology, and health and wellness. The writing samples on this site are gleaned from these various industries and genres.

I live in Los Angeles and call New Jersey home.

Copywriting Samples

Marketing & Communications

Customer Facing Messaging

Press releases and tech alerts.

Direct Mail promo

Postcard promotions.

Newsletter (customer profile cover story)

As the doors to dentistry kept opening and leading the way toward orthodontics, Dr. Joe Gibson kept his eye on an escape hatch. Finally, he gave in to fate. 

Joe Gibson tried hard not to be an orthodontist. In fact, much to the dismay of his father—a workaholic dentist and oral surgeon who had visions of his son becoming a physician—young Joe wanted nothing to do with healthcare at all. Aviation was in its heyday, and the skies were calling. He was going to be a pilot, and he had a Gatsby-like plan to land himself in the cockpit. When a heart arythmia kept him out of the Air Force, he hatched a backup plan and kept his eye on the sky. Then something happened that he could not have foreseen.

Copywriting Samples

Advertorial Writing & Placements

Orthotown magazine: corporate cover story

I worked collaboratively in an editorial capacity with the editor of Orthotown on this feature story.

Corporate Close Up AAO

I authored this advertorial placement in the special AJO-DO supplement for the Annual Session of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO).

Dream Team cover story

I worked collaboratively on this project with the editorial team at Orthotown magazine.

Copywriting Samples

360 Campaign


Direct mail promo.

Email (TK)

Direct email promo.

Social Posts

Posted on Facebook and Instagram.


Educational, non-promotional, landing site for campaign. The site includes an MS Form for lead-gen.

Writing Samples 

Dental Technology

Evolution of imaging and management systems in orthodontics

100th Anniversary issue of AJO-DO

Orthodontists have long been among the most progressive of the dental specialists, quick to embrace new technologies for enhancing clinical efficiencies and practice workflow. This article recounts the history of how computers and orthodontic software have been used in America from their nascence to today and provides an outlook for the future. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2016;149:798-805)

Orthodontic Applications of 3D Imaging

Journal of the American Orthodontic Society

Not too long ago, 3D imaging was a pipe dream reserved for academic institutions and medical centers with deep pockets and sophisticated research goals. In the more recent past, dental specialists such as orthodontists and oral maxillofacial surgeons have been enjoying the abundance of accurate data delivered by volumetric datasets.

The Future of Technology in the Orthodontic Practice: Looking Back … Looking Forward.

Text book chapter for the 40th Anniversary of the Moyer’s Symposium

This chapter is a digest of the innovations the orthodontic profession has taken on during the last 40 years, and will make some predictions on how clinicians might employ emerging technologies over the next 40 years. 

Writing Samples 


The Oxygen Chronicles 

No other skincare ingredient requires quite the leap of faith demanded by oxygen. Vitamin A, for example, conjures images of hearty orange tubers such as carrots and yams, while vitamin E evokes a handful of almonds or a murky, aromatic ramekin of olive oil awaiting freshly baked bread. Oxygen however, remians as elusive as, well… air. How exactly then does one package it and put a price on it? (Dayspa magazine)

Face Forward

I think that the definition of a cosmetic is obsolete, ” says Guy Langer, vice president of sales and marketing, DD Chemco, Northridge, California and chaiman of the board of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists, California Chapter. “The FDA has so few resources for personal care. It’s equipped to handle product complaints from the consumer, but it’s just not equipped to handle manufacturer claims.”

Indeed, skin care continues to transcend itself at an exponential rate. Born of the cosmetic industry and brought to maturity by science and medicine, skincare products baffle their makers and marketers by eluding definitive labeling, while the skincare cops employ dusty old guidelines to govern space-age ingredients. (Dayspa magazine)

Lightening Strikes

At it’s most basic, what connects the endearing beauty mark on a baby’s bottom and the painful, pockmarked face of an acneic teenager is nothing less than a continuum of melanocytes gone awry. (Dayspa magazine)

Writing Samples 

Beauty & Fashion

The Princess and the Vamp (seasonal fashion roundup)

Our favorite fairy princess met her long-lost, vamped-out twin from the other side of the tracks during spring break, and the result was lots of black eyeliner, some spunky coral nail enamel and a fashion fusion that sets convention on its ear. The two became fast friends, staying up late into the night sharing their style secrets. As Cindy revealed the latest trends in tulle, for instance, Rella showed her just how short that tulle could go. (Dayspa magazine)

The Colors of Money (seasonal nail polish roundup)

Madison Avenue rolled its runways down Wall Street this fall as designers showed off their clothes in a carefree attitude of abundance. Money is the mantra of the moment, and conspicuous consumption paves the path toward fashion nirvana: Furs, feathers, and head-to-toe leather provide an extravagant foundation for the buckles and belts and big hoop earrings that accent the season’s themes of easy wealth and uptown chic. This return to ladylike dressing requires dutiful attention to all accoutrements, and nails are an accessory as essential as the big matching bag. (Nailpro magazine)

True Colors (seasonal nail polish roundup)

In a millennial twist on ‘80s extravagance, this spring’s fashion designers boldly beckon the material girl that sleeps in the soul of every woman’s fashion psyche: The sheer joy of dressing up was witnessed in the variety of styles that sauntered down the runways, reinforcing the freedom in fashion that’s been evolving over the last few seasons. There are no more rules when it comes to the chic, shameless flaunting of a girl’s right to have fun: Stiletto heels, micro-minis and lots of gold flashed from the catwalks in an optimistic reflection of the state of the economy. Accessories from head to toe tied it all up for the pulled-together look that marked the decade of decadence.

The 1980s was the decade when fashion crossed cultures, stepping inadvertently in front of the music video cameras that gave birth to Music Television. Suddenly music acquired a visual component, and the excesses of the industry were no longer confined to the music world. Indeed, it was hip to be cool, and this spring’s lacquer collections take coolness one step further with an abundance of berry-based pinks and purples in a variety of shades, complemented by a couple of cantaloupe-y oranges for the season’s hotter moments. (Nailpro magazine)

Copywriting Samples

Product Reviews & Product Highlights

Salon City magazine

Beauty industry product and people profiles.

A La Mode (magazine column)

Product and industry news section of Dayspa magazine.

A La Mode (magazine column)

Product and industry news section of Dayspa magazine.


Dr. Greg Cannizzo, EIC of the Journal of the American Orthodontic Society (JAOS)

Feedback from the Editor in Chief of JAOS on my article “Orthodontic Applications of 3D Imaging.”

AJO-DO (American Journal of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics

Reviewer feedback for my peer-reviewed article “The evolution of imaging and management systems in orthodontics.” 

Chester Wang, President, Dolphin Imaging & Management Solutions

Testimonial from my manager and president of the company, to whom I reported directly in my position as Manager of Marketing & Communications for 18 years.